View from Oban Bothy

View from Oban Bothy

Sunday 8 March 2015

Friday 27th February, In search of curry

The challenge continues…

The challenge wasn’t to find a decent curry – we know very well how to do that, but to find another green route into Manchester City centre, or in particular This and That.

This was a short-notice walk. I’d just returned from two weeks in USA and really needed to get out.

As well as notifying the usual Curry Crew I popped the plan onto the Meetup website and also mentioned it to Judith – who blagged a day off work to join us. This was A Good Thing. In addition to Judith, another newly inducted member of the Curry Crew, Lynn, was able to join us. This was another Good Thing.

Cathy was hoping to join us but at the last moment had been called into work. Hopefully she’ll be able to join us on a future walk.


Lynn and Judith leading, Rick and Martin trying to keep up

The first couple of miles was on the well-trodden and recently re-surfaced Bridgewater Canal towpath. The new surface has made a terrific difference, it used to be just so muddy in many places.


The Watch House (JW Lees fizzy-pop), the oldest building in Stretford


Judith in the dead centre of Chorlton. Sorry…..


Hough End Hall, yours for a lot of money


On the Fallowfield Loop (FLOOP), on the course of an old railway.

Wiki has quite a bit of information on the FLOOP, it’s well worth a quick read.


P1030808 Entering Platt Fields Park

P1030810 Platt Fields Park Boating Lake


P1030813Lynn and Martin 



A once very grand house in Rusholme 


The Anchor, the former very excellent (Marston’s) Whitworth pub 


Through Manchester University….

P1030819…where Alan Turing did much work 

P1030822 It might have won an award in 1968, but not in 2015

P1030824More Manchester University 


P1030826Rick, Martin & Judith…..and curry 

P1030828Followed by a beer or two in the Abel Heywood


Where we went:

Curry walk 27th Feb 2015

Around 12 miles of flatness

As ever, another interesting route into Manchester in good company. The curry was as excellent (and cheap!) as ever, and we have two new Curry Crew members, Lynn and Judith.

Unfortunately Lynn had an unavoidable appointment and had to get back to Altrincham as soon as we arrived in Shude Hill. Consequently she wasn’t able to join us for the curry or the beer. this means she’s not been FULLY inducted. Yet.

It was good to meet you Lynn, we all look forward to you being able to join us again before long.


There’s going to be another Curry Walk on Thursday 12th March:


Thursday 5 February 2015

20th – 24th January, Cumbrian Patatas Fritas

Dawn, along with Lucky and Mike, had a few days of static camping planned in t’Lakes and they kindly invited me along. I agreed to come only on the understanding that there would be chips. It was a bit cold so I took my Optimus Nova liquid fuel stove – it was the only way to get the chip pan up to temperature y’see.

I rolled up with my caravan in tow. Dawn, Lucky & Mike, being well ‘ard, were under canvas.

We spent a nice couple of days wandering around some of the snow-covered lumpy bits, nothing high but all rather nice.

Wednesday, A wander around the left-hand side of Borrowdale:





image    Chips for tea

Thursday, so it must be wandering around Latrigg:


imageLucky, Mike and Dawn at lunch




View over Derwentwater



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On Friday I went home, leaving Lucky, Mike, Dawn & Mike’s brother John to endure the wet.

It was a lovely couple of days in excellent company, you can read what really went on by reading Dawn’s and Lucky’s Mike’s accounts which say it all.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Saturday 17th January, Wassail at Dunham Massey

Wassailing is a bit of an old English tradition dating back to pagan times. In times gone by it was very common in apple-growing areas of England - particularly Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire and so on. In fact if you produced cider it's highly likely that you would have been very familiar with the ritual of Wassailing. The general idea is to ensure a good crop of apples (and therefore a decent lot of cider) by scaring off any evil spirits by firing shotguns close to the tree. I don't know about evil spirits but if someone fired a shotgun that close it would scare the living daylights out of me.

The trees are encouraged to grow by hanging slices of toast in the branches. There's nowt like a nice bit of toast and marmalade, all washed down with a nice cuppa. Or cider in this case.

Rick, Les, Richard and meself were delighted to be asked to perform at a Wassail at The Dunham Massey Apple Company's orchards, not very far from Timperley. We dragged the Morris side down as well, they weren't doing anything special and we thought it would do them good to get out once in a while.

Photos courtesy of Rob Phillips, YouTube clip by Bob Sweet.

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