View from Oban Bothy

View from Oban Bothy
Showing posts with label Woodburner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woodburner. Show all posts

Friday, 22 March 2013

Friday 22nd March, Yellow Snow Warning

According to the Beeb, Timperley is once again going to be cut off from the rest of the world by snow. Dianne said so on the box last night.

I can't see it myself, it's 2.40pm - and by this time all should be white outside. It's just cold and a bit windy. I've seen a few snowflakes this morning but that's all.

The woodburner's ticking over, warming my tootsies nicely. Perhaps it's time for a little walk.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Tuesday 26th February, PILES and RHUBARB

More piles and less rhubarb.

Recent local walks and runs have been multi-purpose: exercise, ‘getting out’, good company, and keeping my eyes open for fallen wood for my woodburner. Much of the last two days has been spent collecting this fallen wood and piling it up in my back garden for use either next winter – or more likely, the following winter.

The resulting pile of wood is encroaching on my patch of Timperley Early rhubarb.

What did you think I meant?


With the expected steep rises in the price of gas I’ll be expanding my wood stock – and I’ll probably need more piles. 

I’m probably going to need to move the bird-feeder or the pussy-cats will be having a feast.

Thursday, 27 December 2012

New Woodburner

I’ve had a woodburning stove (A Hunter Hawk 3) in my lounge for around 5 years.
The old Hunter Hawk 3, just prior to removal
It’s certainly cut my gas bill since I’ve been using it but I’ve never been entirely happy with it for lots of reasons:
a) I felt it wasn’t particularly controllable compared to other stove installations I’ve seen.
b) The heat output wasn’t a great as I would have expected.
c) It didn’t seem particularly efficient.
d) It was a bit messy.
A few weeks ago I decided enough was enough and after some considerable research put my hand in Barclaycard’s pocket and bought a new stove – a Belge-Franco Montfort Elegance. It’s larger than the Hunter stove, but not hugely so.  It will take larger logs, and like the Hunter, will burn solid fuel as well as wood.
The new Belge-Franco Montfort Elegance – loaded and ready to launch
At 80kg+ it’s a lump to move, but now it’s in situ it won’t be going anywhere soon. Installation took no time at all, I just took the old stove out and slid the new stove into it’s place. Even the stove pipe was the same diameter as the Hunter’s.
What a difference! This stove is everything the old one wasn’t. The heat output is quite phenomenal, it’s absolutely controllable, it’s considerably less messy, it’s efficient….the list could go on. And on.
This stove benefits from a cast iron body whereas the Hunter was made from mild steel. Cast iron seems to stay warm and radiate heat long after the fire has gone out.
I’m well pleased.

HopGoblin at Topaz, Saturday 15th Feb

Another of Rob's excellent videos, this time of HopGoblin playing at Topaz in Stretford on Saturday 15th February.