View from Oban Bothy

View from Oban Bothy
Showing posts with label TGOC2005. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TGOC2005. Show all posts

Friday, 29 May 2020

TGOC2020…virtually the forth bit

Another little hiccup / brain-fart / malfunction that is the #virtualTGOC space-time continuum: I woke up in the very early hours - in my frozen tent. Somehow I'd been transported to Loch Cuaich. How the hell did that happen?

What confused me more (bear in mind that I'm easily confused, even on a good day) was that at around 1am my tent lit up as if it was daylight - scary. It seems that poachers / lampers were oot 'n aboot.

I later learned that Mssrs Lambert & Alan Sloman were camped not too far away and heard / saw the same kerfuffle. Later in the morning, at a far more sensible time o'clock, there was the little matter of ascending the shapely Sgor Dearg and then the steep descent to Gaick Lodge and Loch an t-Seilich. Hard work considering it was first thing in the morning.

A second breakfast followed in a lovely sheltered gully by Allt Bhran (All Bran...?).

Peace and quite was shattered by the arrival of Keith Leonard and Terry Leyland. They didn't hang around.

Approaching Lochan an t-Sluic I spotted a couple of tents by the lochan: it was Angus McKinnon and Norrie. Gus kindly allowed me to snoop around his Akto, a new tent on me - a month later I'd bought my own.

The night was spent in Ruigh-aiteachain Bothy.

The next day's route followed the classic Feshie - Geldie path....where I inveitably fell into bad company once again: Steve Smith, Big n' Daft, Pauline Marshall & Bernie,- plus loads more!

It was a grand day to Whitebridge and a fine camp spot that night.

Tomorrow: Braemar!

Thursday, 28 May 2020

TGOC2020…virtually the third bit.

This #virtualTGOC is something. I'd enjoyed a fearsomely fun night at the Melgarve Bothy Secret Ceilidh with Denis, Terry Leyland, Di Gerrard and many others....and somehow found myself pitching up outside Culra Bothy.

What happened there then? I blame strong drink. Well, it was the first time I'd met other expanation needed. Pauline Marshall was busy carrying out repairs on the wounded:

The Rockin' Rev was ever so generous with his platy full of something very alcoholic, songs were sung, stories were told...and a fine evening was enjoyed by all.

Dalwhinnie and the hotel was the next stop. It was a bit of a yomp along the shore of Loch Ericht - and it was really quite hot.

Pauline Marshall and Bernie scooted off for a night in a comfy bed, c/o some friends (I wish I had friends like that!), The Rev endured emergency foot repairs, thanks to a certain GP who was passing.

Mr D. Brocklehurst Esq:

I met up with the lovely Brocklehursts once again, it's always a great pleasure to be in their company.

The Dalwhinnie Distillery:

And the hotel didn't sell proper beer. Oh well.

HopGoblin at Topaz, Saturday 15th Feb

Another of Rob's excellent videos, this time of HopGoblin playing at Topaz in Stretford on Saturday 15th February.