View from Oban Bothy

View from Oban Bothy
Showing posts with label Steeplechase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steeplechase. Show all posts

Saturday, 26 March 2022

Tally-ho! Steeplechase 26th March 2022

I dislike races, I run for the fun of it – plus the physical and mental health benefits it affords.

Tally-Ho! is essentially non-competetive, although three races appear in the Club’s calendar: The Championship: an out and back trail race of about 10km, held on the last run of the year; The Steeplechase: an out and back trail race of about 10km, involving lots of stiles; and The Fell Race, another out and back race, involving a bloody great hill, and held at an unearthly hour at the Club’s Lakes Weekend.

The Steeplechase has been held at the Devonshire Arms in Peak Forest for many years – certainly all the time I’ve been a member, 22 years, and well before that.

The day was very warm and dry with a very strong sun – sunscreen was definitely needed.

I was given a ten minute handicap, my start time was 2pm, so, at 2pm I set off to follow the easy-to-follow, well laid trail – even in the very bright sunshine the sawdust trail was easy to spot.

The route had been changed slightly this year, some new fences had been erected and footpaths diverted, it still worked out at 6.2 miles / about 10km, with 750’ of ascent.

Most of the trail was laid over lush, green fields, although what was a muddy track but was now rock-hard-baked and quite dusty – and potentially ankle twisting. I don’t think the track claimed any victims though.


Dust was kicked up my the runners, my legs were quite grey with the stuff by the time I got to the finish.

Another runner flashed past me, it was Vinny – almost flying…and fortunately (for me) not racing, just out to run the route.

I got to the half-way mark, ahead of the rest of the pack, shook hands with the trail-layers, and began my run back. Fast Taylor almost immediately came into view – so I wasn’t doing THAT well!

Over the next few minutes I crossed paths with other, much faster, runners, all heading to the half-way point.

Almost inevitably, Fast Taylor overtook me, although it wasn’t until I was well on my way back. No other runners caught me – but their handicaps were almost certainly less generous than mine!

So that was it, I came second out of a huge field of, er, not very many at all.

The tin bath was pressed into service, but only cold water was available – at least I was able to wash off some of the dust.

Dinner at the Devonshire Arms was okay, just okay. Just. The beer, TT Landlord, was excellent!

Awards were presented, beer was quaffed in moderation, and we went on our respective ways home.

My award was sadly absent - again. Story of my life!

A good day out – we’re not out now until the Lakes Weekend, maybe giving me time to improve my level of fitness.

Pictures aren’t mine, they were taken by Wells, Vinny, Potter, and maybe others – I nicked most of them from the Club’s FB page.

More photos here.

Where we went:

10km, about 230m of ascent.

HopGoblin at Topaz, Saturday 15th Feb

Another of Rob's excellent videos, this time of HopGoblin playing at Topaz in Stretford on Saturday 15th February.