View from Oban Bothy

View from Oban Bothy

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

18th March 2015, Blogger: Strange Stats

Silly viewing stats

JJ’s Stuff isn’t the most popular of blogs by any means, but I regularly get around 100 – 120 viewings a day in spite of this.

Just recently I’ve had two ridiculously high daily viewing figures: one day last week I had 400+ viewings at stupid o’clock in the morning, and already today I’ve had 150+ viewings – and that was before 8am.

The odd times of viewings suggest to me that it might be an admirer / stalker / hacker or whatever from foreign lands – although delving deeper into the blogger stats doesn’t confirm this.

Has anyone else out there in Bloggershire had a similar experience?

Right, I’m off to eat Pie’s for a few day’s with one of my mate’s from Pielandshire. Were going to Wale’s.


  1. Well John, I do sometimes pop in at odd hours!!! Looking forward to hearing how you get on with your wee Welsh daunder!

  2. It might well be search engines trawling through the blogosphere. Could they be reading every one of your of pearls of wisdom?
    Someone who will know better might be along in a while to tell us exactly what's going on. I get these spikes every few months or so as well - but only on Blogger's own stats, not on Sitemeter or Extreme tracking.

  3. Hi. I've got Statchecker on mine and it's amazing to watch people coming and going from all over the world. I get people who read my blog from the start to the present, 6 years worth of posts. Some of them are reading for hours. Yes, stats do go up and down.

  4. Yes, over the last few months I have had several similar peaks. I've tried to Google it but can't make any sense of it.

  5. Yes, from time to time I do get a massive blip in the viewing stats, for no apparent reason. With me it's usually from the States, although I do get smaller ones from other countries as well. Obviously, there's an increase when I put on a new post, but that's explainable. Don't know why it happens at other times.

  6. Yes, occasionally stats reach unbelievably stratospheric proportions — it's total hacking, advertising, devilish cyber-crap.

    In fact, most of our hits are random, accidental stuff.

    It's that wonderful minority of dedicated fellow travellers who are the beautiful ones!

  7. Thanks for your comments and suggestions folks. It looks to be nothing more insidious than automatic / robot scanners, although that's insidious enough!

  8. Strangely it sometimes appears as if someone is leaning on a button for a while, somehow making lots of repeat visits to the same posting. They register on Blogger but not on Statcounter.

    1. That just about hit the nail on the head Martin! The spikes are very short and sharp: hundreds of visits appear, almost in an instant.


HopGoblin at Topaz, Saturday 15th Feb

Another of Rob's excellent videos, this time of HopGoblin playing at Topaz in Stretford on Saturday 15th February.