View from Oban Bothy

View from Oban Bothy

Friday, 8 November 2013

1st November onwards….Souling time again

This is the time of the year that the Warburton Souling Gang take to the pubs road to spread mayhem, disquiet, misrule….and to sample far too much ale than is good for us:
First night 2013 Tooled up and ready for action
P1000210 Dick (aka ‘Old Hobbs’) with The Driver
Beelzebub got fed up of waiting to get served
The lads in the Wheatsheaf, Agden, trying for a place in next year’s Play
Invasion of The Star in Statham
The Quack Doctor does his stuff
Wimmin’s talk

This is The Plan for the rest of the season….tonight and tomorrow:
Come and visit if you can, but hold on to your beer. Tight.

And after all that, this:
I know what this is, do you?


On a more serious note, and it was the Pieman’s Blog that made me thing I should mention it, The Play raises money for local charities. We tend to concentrate on two, raising much needed dosh for each in turn: the local MS Research Charity and Cotebrook House.

This year we’re making fools of ourselves and sending the hat round for the very excellent Cotebrook House in Lymm. They say ‘Cotebrook House offers both continuing and short term care for residents and we have experience dealing with a variety of physical disabilities.’

We say that it’s a marvellous place that offers a superb level of short and long term care for those with physical disabilities. It has a lovely homely feeling, and deserves all the financial support it can get. Last time we supported them, two years ago, we donated £1350. Last year we raised £1450 for MS.

And another thing:

P1000227 With the statue of Frank Sidebottom, the Bard of Timperley, last night. In the rain.


  1. It’s part of the killer moth invasion fleet blown off course by stellar winds between Mars and Venus mistakenly taking refuge in the urinal of one of your performance venues.

  2. You're getting warm....
    Clue: it's outside a pub and a church.

  3. Fantasmagorical John!

  4. Thanks Dawn, it was a good do this year - albeit in difficult circumstances: it seems half our gang were down with lurgy, me included.

    Conrad: The urinal bit was the closest you got. It was put there to stop folk weeing in that corner when they came out of the pub....not a nice thing to do when the corner is shared with a rather nice church.
    Imagine relieving yourself against that corner - and then imagine the results!


HopGoblin at Topaz, Saturday 15th Feb

Another of Rob's excellent videos, this time of HopGoblin playing at Topaz in Stretford on Saturday 15th February.