View from Oban Bothy

View from Oban Bothy

Saturday, 29 June 2013

My brilliant Akto…

….has suffered a bit of damage.

Over the last year I’ve noticed that my Hilleberg Akto has suffered from a leaky groundsheet. It coped okay on TGOC 2012 but on subsequent trips I’ve seen dampness, and more recently wetness becoming evident under my sleeping mat in the mornings. I suppose the groundsheet of a one person tent isn’t designed to take THAT much hammer. Having said that, I know of many Akto groundsheets that have survived much more abuse for far longer than mine. I was probably just careless in pitching the tent – it only takes a prickly field.
There wasn’t any one point where moisture was getting in, it seemed as though the groundsheet was developing porosity over a substantial proportion of it’s area. Unfortunately this was the actual sleeping area. In spite of this leakage problem I still rate the Akto as a brilliant all-round backpacking tent. There are lighter tents – cheaper ones too, but the Akto is still the dog’s wotsits. In bad conditions I’m glad to have my Akto, it’s far more stable than my other backpacking tents.
imageAn Akto or two, pitched in the Geldie
Anyroadup, I contacted Hilleberg who in turn put me in touch with Scottish Mountain Gear in, er, Scotland. Scottish Mountain Gear are Hilleberg partners and as such are able to carry out repairs to Hilleberg kit to their quite exacting standards.
Two weeks and £50 later, my Akto was returned to me with a new groundsheet. To be honest it’s impossible to tell that a repair has been carried out – apart from the fact that it doesn’t have a leaking groundsheet anymore.
I can’t speak highly enough of Scottish Mountain Gear. Their repairs are carried out quickly, to a very high standard, and at a sensible price. Nuff said.


  1. Thats good JJ. Better than buying a new ‘un which would hurt the wallet quite a bit. A had a link on my blog to them before somebody hacked it and cleared all my links.

  2. Are you absolutely *sure* that it wasn't condensation beneath the sleeping mat? That's where the dewpoint will be.
    Just a thought - though now I come to think of it I do recall our conversation where you leak tested it and it leaked like a sieve!

    Ignore my remarks!

  3. Wonderful tents the Atko's. Glad to see you got the problem sorted.

  4. Pulling the lightweight tiger's tail here JJ? Akto's - aren't they heavy and drippy?

  5. Alan R: Buying a new Akto these days is prohibitively expensive - £425, although they can be bought for a bit less in UK. A repair is the only sensible option. Interestingly (and annoyingly) list price for an Akto in the USA is $460 = around £310. Why??

    Alan S: I shall ignore your requested! You weren't the only one to suggest condensation though.

    Dawn: I agree, Aktos are brill. I've got a couple of other backpacking tents, but the Akto is my tent of choice. I suppose I should give the other tents a bit of use!

    Mike: Any tent with a built-in shower is bound to have a weight penalty - it's only to be expected. That's why Akto owners are always fragrant. Innit?

  6. £310 Why? Bigger market, substantially more competition in US, probably is the reason. Pricing of product is based on how much the company thinks it can get away with. If everybody stopped buying showers, oops, Akto’s here then they would have to rethink pricing. Plus 20% vat doesn’t help.

  7. If you volunteer for Durham County Council countryside service, you can get £85 off the price, providing they've got an old price tag on in Cotswolds (£400). New model has some extra features, including squiffy beardy bloke and wet dog.

  8. Oooo goodie have found your blog. I love my Akto and its shower is no worse than other small tents I have used. Having said that if the US postal setvice would get a move on my new Scarp 1 would arrive....

  9. The shower in mine is pretty good - I've discovered how to control the flow-rate now so it's much better. I've not sussed the temperature control yet though.

    Shame we weren't in contact a few weeks ago, I was in USA a few weeks back and my courier fees are very reasonable- they can be measured in pints in fact. I hope you enjoy the Scarp, they've got a very good reputation - although the built-in shower's crap.


HopGoblin at Topaz, Saturday 15th Feb

Another of Rob's excellent videos, this time of HopGoblin playing at Topaz in Stretford on Saturday 15th February.