View from Oban Bothy

View from Oban Bothy

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Tuesday 23rd April, St George’s Day in Altrincham

What better way to celebrate St George’s Day than by having a leap around outside Costello’s, the Dunham Brewery Tap, in Altrincham. This little gathering in Goose Green, one of the oldest parts of Altrincham, is now a permanent fixture in the calendars of both Bollin and Thelwall Morris sides.
P1010944Thelwall and Bollin Morris join forces
The continued success of this annual gathering surely can’t have anything to do with the venue….can it?
The long-suffering Rick, more usually spotted clad in walking boots (and other stuff too)
P1010927 Showing how it’s done
P1010941 No fingers were broken in the performance of this dance
P1010937 A view that has only recently been revealed with the demolishing of some vacant shops
Unfortunately the view above will again disappear once the new hospital is built.
Anyway, it was good. The dancing and the company were excellent, the Dunham beers were as good as ever. Roll on St George’s Day 2014…..mind you, we’ve got May Day to come yet!
Ireland, Scotland and Wales all celebrate their traditions with huge amounts of enthusiasm – the English just seem to be embarrassed by their own heritage.

Some more pitchers here.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see your blog is back to normal.......


HopGoblin at Topaz, Saturday 15th Feb

Another of Rob's excellent videos, this time of HopGoblin playing at Topaz in Stretford on Saturday 15th February.