View from Oban Bothy

View from Oban Bothy

Thursday, 20 April 2023

St Cuthbert's the beginning

The adventure started with a train to Berwick, then a funny old bus journey to Melrose.

Following Mick and Gayle's mantra of never passing a tea shop, my walk was ever so slightly delayed :-)

It was a bit of a tug up the Eildon Hills bealach, but nothing a rufty-tufty Challenger wouldn't take in their stride......but I'm not rufty-tufty. Ho hum.

Bowden Burn was my handrail for a couple of miles, at Newtown St Boswells I picked up the meandering  River Tweed.

Light was beginning to fade so I started looking for a suitable camp spot. The ground was covered in wild garlic, the aroma was wonderful but the plants were so tall it made finding a flat bit very difficult.

Eventually I found a lumpy bit of ground on the river bank, on the other side of the river from the ruins of Dryburgh Abbey. If you look carefully, squint a bit, then use your imagination, you may spot it in the last photo.

Tent up, a light meal, then lights out at 10pm....I drifted off to the 10pm news on BBC R4.

Up and away next morning, I treated myself to a delicious cheese & onion pastie in St Boswells.....but then I found this tea shop.

Well it would be rude not to ...

Part 2, the rest, click here.


  1. Anonymous11:46

    Look at that weather!!! Glorious!

  2. Brilliant. I thought nobody was going backpacking this year. Would that I could!
    I much enjoyed my own trip through that country on my last long walk: Berwick to Castle Carey.

    1. I've not done much this year - due to some minor surgery and a longer than expected recovery. I now need to get my fitness levels up, the TGO Challenge is on the horizon.
      The border country is wonderful - and I have to say I found it to be the friendliest LDP I've ever walked - not so much others walking the route, they were few, but the folk I met on the way. I feel another borders backpack beckoning - St Oswalds Way?
      Good to see that you're improving, I hope you'll be out for longer walks soo - take care!

  3. Well done JJ. Sadly I was stuck at home this week. Markus is arriving shortly for a lift to Hebden Br in the morning and a couple of weeks on the PW. Enjoy St Cuthbert's and all the tea shops.

  4. Looking good John, there are a few more tea shops on the way. Lovely photos, many of which I recognise.

  5. AlanR13:12

    Hope that river didn't rise too much.


HopGoblin at Topaz, Saturday 15th Feb

Another of Rob's excellent videos, this time of HopGoblin playing at Topaz in Stretford on Saturday 15th February.