View from Oban Bothy

View from Oban Bothy

Monday, 3 August 2020

Farleton Fell and Hutton Roof

For reasons best known to themselves, Mike was on a mission to pass A Package to Jayme. Both Mike and Jayme had there own minders with them (just in case things got out of hand): Mike brought LTD, whilst Jayme brought Louis, a big lad, but a thoroughly pleasant one. I was also on a mission – to pass A Different Package to Mike.
I didn’t have a minder.

We met up at a suitably deserted spot where The Packages were handed over, and then we went for a walk.

You know that great big grey hill on the right as you head up the M6 by Kendal? Well that’s Farleton Fell, and that was our first objective. I’d mistakenly thought I’d been up there some years ago whilst on Challenge event, but as we started to climb I realised I was mistaken – the limestone features were quite spectacular, I’m sure I’d have remembered them.

I’m glad it was a mostly dry day, walking on limestone can be perilous in the wet.
The views from Farleton Fell were extensive: Blackpool Tower, Heysham Power Station, Morecambe Bay, the Lake District, the Howgills – and lots of limestone pavement.

Our next objective was Hutton Roof. There’s another Hutton Roof in the North Lakes, it wasn’t that one. Thankfully. That would have been too many miles for my little legs that day.
More great views, more limestone pavement. And butties and a brew.

We more or less retraced our steps back to our cars and then it was time to go home – apart from Mike who had his eye on a little top he wanted to bag.

It was a fine day out, our little walk was most enjoyable and it was good to be walking with friends again, this damned Covid-19 is a pain. 

Thanks to Mike and Jayme for having me along, and it was good to meet up with Louis for the first time. 

Where we went, 8½ – 9 miles:


  1. Not done Farleton fell yet, what was it like walking up, it looks like scree when driving past? Good read and pics 😄

    1. Thanks Margaret!
      The walk up was really lovely, no scree at all although the limestony bits will be slippy in the wet. I love limestone pavement...but only in the dry!
      You should give it a go.

  2. Nice one John, Looks as if you had a great day. Lovely photos too. Your usual high standard prevails, you certainly have an eye for photography

    1. Aw, thank you Dawn...but I wish I had *your* eye for taking photographs!

  3. Good stuff. Although I've walked all around the environs of Farleton Fell I have only been on its tops two or three times in the twenty years I have lived close by - not sure why.

  4. Excellent, JJ, and some nicely edited piccies. I have plenty of brownies, should you like me to carry them with a couple of chairs and a flask to Newton Park.

  5. Nice walk and excellent pictures, as others have said. Hutton Roof is a smashing little race if ever the dreaded virus allows you you to do it. Usually takes place at Spring Bank and corresponds with the village fete.

  6. Good day out JJ. I’ve past that so many times and thought I must go up there one day. That day hasn’t come yet.


HopGoblin at Topaz, Saturday 15th Feb

Another of Rob's excellent videos, this time of HopGoblin playing at Topaz in Stretford on Saturday 15th February.