My adventures with walking, backpacking, running (hobbling?), cycling, amateur radio, traditional folk music and song...and loads of other stuff.
View from Oban Bothy

Wednesday, 18 February 2015
Thursday, 5 February 2015
20th – 24th January, Cumbrian Patatas Fritas
Dawn, along with Lucky and Mike, had a few days of static camping planned in t’Lakes and they kindly invited me along. I agreed to come only on the understanding that there would be chips. It was a bit cold so I took my Optimus Nova liquid fuel stove – it was the only way to get the chip pan up to temperature y’see.
I rolled up with my caravan in tow. Dawn, Lucky & Mike, being well ‘ard, were under canvas.
We spent a nice couple of days wandering around some of the snow-covered lumpy bits, nothing high but all rather nice.
Wednesday, A wander around the left-hand side of Borrowdale:
Thursday, so it must be wandering around Latrigg:
View over Derwentwater
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On Friday I went home, leaving Lucky, Mike, Dawn & Mike’s brother John to endure the wet.
It was a lovely couple of days in excellent company, you can read what really went on by reading Dawn’s and Lucky’s Mike’s accounts which say it all.
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
Saturday 17th January, Wassail at Dunham Massey
The trees are encouraged to grow by hanging slices of toast in the branches. There's nowt like a nice bit of toast and marmalade, all washed down with a nice cuppa. Or cider in this case.
Rick, Les, Richard and meself were delighted to be asked to perform at a Wassail at The Dunham Massey Apple Company's orchards, not very far from Timperley. We dragged the Morris side down as well, they weren't doing anything special and we thought it would do them good to get out once in a while.
Photos courtesy of Rob Phillips, YouTube clip by Bob Sweet.
Monday, 2 February 2015
Monday 12th January 2015, more Dales Way
A bit late in posting: more Dales Way:
Bowness to Burneside
An early morning start from Timperley to drive up to Lancaster to meet Bella and Stuart who were to drive us up to Windermere for the start of the day’s walk.
Bella managed to find a suitable on-street (free!) parking spot for Stuart’s Tardis – and we were off. Uphill.
Some bloke in a Velez, stroking Bella. Rick in ecstatic mood.
Although the day was dry the ground was more than a little moist…it was ever so slightly totally waterlogged in many places. All the places actually – apart from most of the tarmac bits.
Rick demonstrates his uncanny ‘keeping his feet dry’ ability
Like I said, it was ever so slightly waterlogged.
The walk wasn’t at all strenuous, I think we only ascended around 1100’ over the entire day’s walk. There were some significant bits of tarmac on the route, this is something I’d normally avoid. Given the extreme sogginess of the ground I was quite happy to get some tarmac miles in, Especially as my waterproof Goretex boots were leaking like a sieve.
At the end of the walk my feet weren’t exactly soaking wet, well not COMPLETELY soaking wet, but they were a tad damp. I was a bit pleased to see the sign for Burneside railway station, it was our ticket to get back to the Tardis parked up in Bowness. The train whisked us back to Bowness in double quick time.
As can be seen from the map below, the route wasn’t particularly challenging, Apart from that bit to the south of Staveley. But I won’t mention that again.
Where we went (West to East):
It should have been 10 miles but we ended up doing nearer 11. This was mainly because we decided to explore the barren fields and farmland to the south of Staveley. I’d love to be able to tell you how much we relished the diversion. But I won’t.
Having got ourselves back to Bowness we headed back to Lancaster to pick up Rick’s car. But we were once again diverted, this time to the Watermill at Ings. The Collie Wobbles was (were?) excellent. As always.
Another pleasant day out – in excellent company too. Not much not to like. I’d like some waterproof boots though.
Rick and I got back to Timperley at a fairly sensible hour, certainly early enough for me to get showered and fed before heading out to Morris practice. But I decided an evening in front of the TV and the woodburner was a more attractive proposition. And so it was.
HopGoblin at Topaz, Saturday 15th Feb
Another of Rob's excellent videos, this time of HopGoblin playing at Topaz in Stretford on Saturday 15th February.
Testing 1 – 2 - 3
A text message from my mate Vinny suggested we might go for a bit of a walk, he quite fancied Lyme Park to Buxton. It promised to be a ...
Thursday 9 th May The previous evening we met up in Wetherspoons, other Challengers joined us which was good. L>R: Tracey, Croydon, ...