View from Oban Bothy

View from Oban Bothy

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

19th August 2014, Trying to get fit

The Original Plan (Plan A) was to go out for an evening trot with the Cheshire Hash House Harriers but other stuff came up that meant I had to give the Hash a miss.

Plan B was dreamt up instead:

I’ve done this route before – it’s basically from Timperley to the outskirts of Warrington. The outward leg is along the The Transpennine Trail, whilst the return leg is along the Bridgewater Canal towpath obstacle course….a section of the towpath is being improved, something to do with SusTrans I think.

The Plan was to jog 5 minutes / walk 5 minutes, then as I got a bit tired, the walking bit would be extended to 10 minutes….and by the time I’d hit around 13/14 miles I would extend the walking bits to 15 minutes. In my defence, M’Lud, the walking bits were very strenuous – I walked as fast as I could.

The straight bits are along the TransPennine Trail:


So….18 miles with about 300ft of upness: 3hrs 41mins. And tired legs. Must try harder.

Little outings like this are good for the head, I’ll be doing them more often.


  1. Wow, that's better than me though in my defense I haven't jogged for many years!
    Sitting here trying to persuade myself I do want to go jogging or an hour :)

    1. Well, did you go?
      I find that alternating jogging / walking is a nice compromise: you get the miles in, expend the energy....and it helps you (well, me!) sleep. know you want to!

  2. Soon be doing the Joss Naylor round.

  3. Hmm, I think I need to go a long way to get to that standard - it ain't going to happen!

  4. Why not get some knee pads, extend the distance, and do the final walking intervals on hands and knees? Seriously though, look after those knees!

    1. I will Conrad! The jog / walk regime is relatively kind on the knees although it certainly gives them a hammering.

  5. Yes I did go out and enjoyed it. As you say walking and jogging is kinder on the knees though an hour is long enough for me in the evening :)

  6. Sounds as if you are doing pretty well JJ

  7. Ah, but you don't know how knackered I feel!


HopGoblin at Topaz, Saturday 15th Feb

Another of Rob's excellent videos, this time of HopGoblin playing at Topaz in Stretford on Saturday 15th February.