View from Oban Bothy

View from Oban Bothy

Monday, 15 July 2013

Beating The Bounds

The Court Leet, an ancient form of local government, is responsible for keeping the old (Saxon) boundaries of Altrincham defined and to do this they 'Beat the Bounds' each year.
The boundary is marked with a number of boundary stones or plaques and on the second Sunday of July Members of the Altrincham Court Leet process around these markers.
The Court Leet always invite members of the public (ie: Plebs like me) to follow them around their annual bimble….stopping off around half-way round for beer and lunch. Nice…except hardly anyone ever turns out to support them.
Today a total of four walkers turned out, better than most years, but still not great.
At 10.30am we all gathered at the boundary stone on The Downs in Altrincham for the first ‘beating’ of the day:
P1020394Members of The Court Leet doing their stuff
P1020398 The boundary stone on The Downs, Altrincham
P1020401 P1020402 A Dunham / Altrincham boundary marker
Altrincham / Hale boundary marker on a house gate-post
I’m sure The Court Leet won’t mind me saying that a couple of them aren’t in the first flush of youth – although one member in particular walked around most of the route with the pedestrian followers. Other members of the Court Leet were transported around the 8 mile route in a minibus.
Lunch was had at Timperley Old Hall (that isn’t very old at all) where a very good pint (or two)of Jennings High Spy was served. I don’t normally drink beer when on a walk, but we were probably 5 or 6 miles into the route, and at 3.8% ABV it didn’t have any adverse effect – apart from straining the bladder department!
imageThe Court Leet at lunch
After lunch there were only 3-4 more boundary markers to visit. A few people came out to see what all the fuss was about and I’m pleased to say that they all showed a genuine interest in this quirky tradition.
By 3.30pm it was all over. Around 12 boundary markers had been visited, some of them in locations that made access difficult – but not impossible.
The population of Altrincham had been assured that their town’s boundary was intact and, according to the speech repeated around the circuit, assured of protection by the Barony….provided they stayed within it’s boundaries.
A nice little walk and a very interesting day out. I’ll probably do it again next year. Especially if the Old Hall are serving High Spy.
More photos here.


  1. Shucks - missed it again. Was Rick there?

    1. Anonymous10:10

      Yeah rick was there - tough luck get em’
      next time matey

  2. Yes, Rick made it - although unfortunately only for part of the walk. We'll put your name down for next year!

  3. Ah, so it was them! I did turn up at 1030 and saw the young women and some of the gowned people, but not much seemed to be happening. (Was mistakenly expecting an Altrincham festival type turnout). Afraid that although history is my scene,I was too impatient in the heat-so I walked to Dunham Massey. Next year...

    1. It's a very understated affair - but definitely worth doing. See you next year then!



HopGoblin at Topaz, Saturday 15th Feb

Another of Rob's excellent videos, this time of HopGoblin playing at Topaz in Stretford on Saturday 15th February.