View from Oban Bothy

View from Oban Bothy

Friday, 17 May 2024

TGO Challenge 2024, Oban to Red Bothy (no, not that one)


Thursday 9th May

The previous evening we met up in Wetherspoons, other Challengers joined us which was good.

L>R: Tracey, Croydon, Robert, me (just)

Mick had teamed up with Gavin, they headed over to Lismore on the ferry, whilst I teamed up with Baby Croydon – aka Tracey.

A night in a SYHA bunk didn’t help my wobbliness much – A Plan was called for: I made an appointment to see a local doctor, but that wasn’t going to be until the early evening – when I should be camping beyond Taynuilt. I ended up walking as far as Taynuilt, then hopping on the train back to Oban, in time for my appointment….and so it came to pass.

Armed with a supply of killer-strength antibiotics I returned to Oban’s SYHA for another night of unbridled luxury. In a bunk.


Friday 10th May

After a light breakfast in Wetherspoon’s Tracey and I travelled back to Taynuilt on the train, from where we continued our Challenge journey.


Following the eastern shore of Loch Etive we trundled on – it was suddenly really quite hot which didn’t help the way I was feeling, many stops were needed. 

Glen Kinglass was next, although we ended up cutting the day short. We found a pleasant spot to plant our tents: fairly flat and grassy (enough), water close by – not much not to like.

Oh, and there were cuckoos – rather more than I’d heard in previous years.

I slept heavily – probably because I was so knackered.

Saturday 11th May

Feeling slightly better (maybe the antibiotics were kicking in), we were up and away after a bit of breakfast.

The views from our camp spot

We came across some lovely wild life today: deer, tadpoles, newts, frogs – and cuckoos.

Passing Loch Dochard, where the Pieman and I had camped a few years ago, we soon joined the West Highland Way at Victoria Bridge….a bit of Déjà Vu. Again.


We joined the masses of WHW walkers heading north to Kingshouse, few were carrying kit, most seemed to be using a luggage transfer service. Not for us though, we’re rufty-tufty Challengers, and we were carrying full kit.

It was along this stretch that we came across a young girl, at first we though she was alone, but after a minute or so her mother, Anna, appeared. They were backpacking the route together – Mum carrying all the gear, whilst her 3 year old daughter scoped out suitable spots to pitch their tent. I was well impressed!

(Photo nicked from Anna's FB)

By the time we arrived at Kingshouse, we’d caught up with ourselves – we were back on schedule, but it had been a tough day for me.

The ‘campsite’ was fairly full, but we found spaces to pitch. I collected my food parcel from the hotel and took full advantage of the £2 showers, I certainly felt better after that! After a nosh I went into the bar to risk an expensive pint. I’m not entirely sure if that was a good idea – but it didn’t half taste good!


Sunday 12th May

More cuckoos – probably lurking in the wood. 


We started a little later than we’d intended, our Plan was to get to Rannoch Station by late afternoon – in time to grab a bite to eat, then to continue eastwards to camp somewhere along the north shore of Loch Eigheach, not far from where I’d camped on TGOC2023.

That was the Plan.

Off we went, eastwards, on really good track, leaving the West Highland Wayers as they headed west to endure the delights of the Devils Staircase.


On past Black Corries Lodge - I’d love to be able to see the lodge in the flesh, but it’s obscured, surrounded by dense wood land. However:


5-6km beyond Black Corries, the really good track suddenly wasn’t so good, it had deteriorated to an often hard to follow footpath. This wasn’t the end of the world, all we had to do was to continue heading east and north east, through the woodland alongside the NW shore of Loch Laidon….where the horrible footpath decided it would change into a lovely Land Rover Track!


About 500m from Rannoch Station Tracey wondered if the rumbling we’d just heard was a train….but it wasn’t a convincing train sound – it was thunder!

A quick check on the rainfall radar showed extremely heavy rain and lots of flash-bangs were about to descend on us.

Dubh Lochan - taken next morning

No time to waste, we legged it down to the side of Dubh Lochan and found a few flat spots to pitch our tents. We had just enough time to grab some water and throw ourselves into our tents before the heavens opened – and that was us until morning, it hammered down, but the lightning flashes and loud crashes of thunder were spectacular!


Monday 13th May

The previous night’s storm had put us behind schedule again. We headed over to Rannoch Station Tearoom for a bite to eat before heading off, eastwards – on tarmac.

Rannoch Station

My happy face, Tracey photo-bombing

I’d pitched my tent behind Sandy’s – he was poorly and had decided to retire, he’d arranged for his wife to drive over to take him home. Such a shame, Sandy’s good company and a keen Challenger.

We stopped for a sit down just before Bridge of Gaur, a lady dog walker (the lady was walking the dog, I’ve no idea if the dog was male or female) stopped to chat. She’d guessed we were Challengers – it turns out she was Mrs Bridge of Gaur Guesthouse. She’d had Challengers staying with her but they’d had to retire – apparently they’d drunk water from a dodgy source with predictable results.

Looking slightly happier. Probably.

It was a slog along the south shore of Loch Rannoch, the lovely Kilvrecht campsite was a welcome sight – it’s well worth stopping there. It’s a no-frills, really beautiful site, owned and run by Forestry and Land Scotland

Other Challengers were camping there too, including the ever-cheerful Kevin – this wasn’t the last time we’d meet up with him on this Challenge.

Tuesday 14th May

First stop was the Kinloch Rannoch Post Office to collect a food parcel and to buy some lunch-type stuff, including drinks. The day started warm and sunny, it was soon to get very hot and sunny, we didn’t want to risk dehydration – I’ve been there and done that, it’s no fun.

Even happier

A car pulled up as we left Kinloch Rannoch, it was Challenger Alan Dutton, sadly not on this year due to a knee injury – it was lovely to catch up with him again.

With Alan Dutton

We followed Errochty Water in search of somewhere to camp, not an easy call. We eventually found a scratty bit of land next to the river at Cuiltaloskin. At least we had a nice water source at hand.

Wednesday 15th May

On to Struan and the lovely Old Struan, following the River Garry.


It was getting hot, hotter as the day wore on. By the time we arrived in Blair Athol it was blisteringly hot. A nice tea room / café appeared, butties, cold drinks, ice creams were consumed with enthusiasm. The café closed, but as we were sat outside in the garden there was no rush to leave. We decided to stay put until it cooled off – thankfully there was a little shop around the corner, we topped up with cold drinks and yet more ice cream.


Around 5pm we headed off, up Glen Tilt – my first time, it won’t be my last, it was beautiful! As the late afternoon / early evening cooled we were able to pick up the pace without fear of blowing a head gasket.


After a few hours of walking in the cooler air we found a lovely spot to camp, just beyond Marble Lodge. Two other had got there before us, but there was plenty of room for our two tents.


Thursday 16th May

Due to the previous day’s late finish we had a later start. It was already getting hot, by the time we got to our intended lunch stop at Falls of Tarf we decided to wait until it cooled down before continuing, it was just too hot to carry on. 

The next few hours were spent just chilling in the hot sun….feet cooling in the river, taking in the rays, and marvelling at the overheated Challengers marching past us.


Brian Wade's photo of us sunbathing in Glen Tilt

Brian doing exactly the right thing

At 6pm we shouldered out packs and headed NE, continuing up Glen Tilt. We’d planned to camp beyond White Bridge, but when we forded the Geldie at the (new) Red Bothy we found a number of Challengers camping there – including Croydon and Gavin. It was a no-brainer, we decided to camp with them. It was a good call, the bothy had quadrophonic toilets!

The bothy, inside and out:


Thursday, 9 May 2024

TGO Challenge 2024, the warm-up bit


TGOC2024….preceded by the top bit of the WHW

Thursday 2nd May

I hopped on the train at Manchester to be deposited a few hours later at Glasgow Central where I’d arranged to meet Croydon from, er, Croydon, and my running buddy, Paul from Warrington.

Manchester Piccadilly at ridiculous o'clock in the morning

We had this Cunning Plan y’see, we’d backpack the top half of the West Highland Way from Tyndrum to Fort Bill, then Paul would go home whilst Croydon, aka Mick, and I would travel to Oban to start our respective TGO Challenges.

And so we did.

In Tyndrum we pitched at the very nice By The Way campsite. Croydon and I did this last year too, lovely staff, excellent location, and a couple of pubs in ‘town’….where we had our tea.

Upper Tyndrum

Tyndrum by evening

Friday 3rd May

At 8am we promptly set off at about 9.30am to head north for tea and buns at the Bridge of Orchy Hotel, although the very expensive Green Welly Stop delayed us. Slightly.

The lady in the shop around the corner (far less expensive the the Green Welly Stop) adjacent to the WHW cheerfully announced that the midges had hatched and they were out. Nice.

Bridge of Orchy....somewhere

L>R: Paul, Croydon, me

I'm smiling. Honest.

There were plenty of West Highland Way walkers out, most appeared to be using B&B accomodation along with baggage carrying service….not like us rufty tufty Challengers. By the time we arrived at the Bridge of Orchy Hotel the outside tables were nearly all taken. We managed to squeeze our slightly overweight bodies, and hugely overweight rucksacks around a small table.

We drank tea.

The climb up Mam Carraigh was a bit of a shock to the system, but the lovely view over Loch Tulla made the blood, sweat, tears, and curses all worthwhile. Then it was a pleasant descent to our planned pitch for the night at Victoria Bridge. Fed and watered, we scooted off to the Inveroran for a swift one before hitting the sack.

Rehydration at the Inveroran

Saturday 4th May

We were away promptly only a bit late in setting off, heading north and generally uphill. The trail was busy with loads of WHW walkers, all heading to either the Glencoe Resort or the Kingshouse Hotel – we were heading to the latter, camping around the back of the hotel.

Squint, and you'll see Black Corries Lodge. Maybe.

It was a cloudy day, although certainly not cold. Passing Ba Bridge we spotted a number of tents pitched by the river – I need to remember that spot for the future.

After a couple of miles of climbing (which seemed to go on forever) Black Corries Cottage came into view, and a short time later we spotted our destination, Kingshouse.

As expected, the ‘campsite’ was busy, but we eventually found spaces for our tents. A couple of beers in the hotel’s public bar ensured we were adequately rehydrated.

Sunday 5th May

The day dawned (it’s what days do) slightly gloomily cloudly.

I wasn’t feeling my best, grateful for the public shower and toilet by the hotel’s bunkhouse.

I’d forgotten how much of a climb (not THAT much!) was involved in getting to the foot of the Devil’s Staircase, but it had to be done.

The tug up the staircase was, well, a tug. The tops around were clad in cloud – there wasn’t a view from the top. Whilst the ascent was hard work, the long descent into Kinlochleven was even harder – every time we thought we’d hit the bottom, a false bottom appeared (false bottom = opposite of a false top. Obv.)

We eventually arrived at the campsite and presented ourselves at reception, but we were told that the only way we could book in was by going online! But we’re here, now – we have money….why can’t we just book in? Paul, gifted in diplomacy, eventually negotiated an acceptable solution, and we pitched up.

It’s a strange way to run a campsite.

I was still a bit off-colour, but not sufficiently bad so as not to need a meal….so we trundled off to the Tail Race for pie, chips…and a beer.

A bivvying West Highland Wayer

Monday 6th May

I was now more monochrome than off-colour, once again grateful for decent campsite facilites. I gave breakfast a miss, telling Paul and Mick to set off without me, I’d follow at my own slow pace.

The pull out of Kinlochleven was hard work, I managed to drink plenty of water – it was a warm morning and I didn’t want to risk dehydration. Once it levelled out, the route was a delightful as ever. The sun shone, the birds sang, all was well….apart from my complaining body. I stopped at the ruin for a rest, and promptly fell asleep.

The deteriorating remnants of the rusting car at Tigh-na-sleubhaich

A Mars bar, a load of water, and a couple of hours later I shouldered my pack and continued, slowly, on my way.

Paul and Mick had found a lovely spot to camp, enough room for 3 three tents, and a water source not too far away. I put my tent up, made myself a cuppa, and promptly flaked out. I woke at 10pm, a mug of cold tea beside me. I glugged it down and promptly went back to sleep.

Tuesday 7th May

No breakfast for me, although I managed to drink lots of tea, coffee and water, plus a Snickers Bar later in the morning.

A cuckoo was doing what cuckoos do: calling ‘cuckoo’ – it’s a cuckoo thing. We spotted the offending bird, perched on a pole. I grabbed my camera before it flitted off, but the results weren’t impressive.

It was about 9 miles to Fort Bill, generally downhill, but with some rather sharp uphill bits thrown in to keep us on our toes. The track, as with much of the WHW on this trip, was strewn with freshly laid stones. The made walking a tad uncomfortable at times, I was glad I was wearing boots.

I took up my rightful position at the back, and off we went. The walk into Fort Bill was uneventful, it just seemed to go on forever.

Paul had managed to secure a 3 bedded family room in a hotel on the high street, freshly laundered and smelling rather better, we hit the town. Well, we hit Wetherspoons. Their Lime & Soda hit the spot – I wasn’t trusting my innards to a beer.

Wednesday 8th May

A repeat visit to Wetherspoons, not for anything more exciting than coffee and a light breakfast.

Paul headed for home, it was a shame we couldn’t convince him to join us on the Challenge – next year maybe?

Mick and I hopped on the bus to Oban, our Challenge sign-out point. I was still quite wobbly, so much so that I wasn’t convinced I’d be able to make it as far as the East coast.


Wednesday, 27 December 2023

Tally-Ho! Whitworth Wander / Turkey Trot 2023

 Whitworth Wander – Turkey Trot, 27th of a very wet December 2023

In memory of the late Brian Whitworth, a fine man, my friend, and a former Hon Sec of Tally-Ho!

The run was intended to be a shade over 8 miles, but the combination of an injured trail layer and a brook that was doing it’s best to be a river, forced a last minute re-route….thankfully.

As in recent years we ran from Little Bollington’s Olde Number 3 (Timothy Taylor’s Landlord and Theakston’s Best), although this time we hopped straight onto the Bridgewater Canal towpath and headed, muddily, into Dunham Park, passing the Swan with Two Nicks en route. The track leading to the park’s rear entrance was ankle deep in floodwater in places.

Thankfully the tracks through the park were relatively mud-free, and because of the nature of the tracks, trail-laying was a simple task.

At Dunham Massey Hall, former seat of the Earl of Stamford, we turned to head SE down Langham Grove, past Island Pool, almost as far as the Scout campsite at Home Farm, when we turned to head north(ish) passing the Deer Barn on our left.

We continued to circumnavigate the park, exiting by a stile onto Charcoal Road. A short section of tarmac followed until, just by the Dunham Brewery, we followed not particularly muddy paths into Dunham Town.

Heading north, and back on tarmac, we crossed the Bridgwater Canal and continued until joining a TransPennine Trail by Grove House Farm.

Now heading west along the soggy track we passed walkers, no doubt keen to burn off some of the excesses of the season.

It was a bit of a scramble to get off the trail using the unofficial exit at the Barns Lane Bridge, but it was manageable.

Barns Lane is a narrow and thankfully very quiet country lane. Just beyond Sam Smith’s Vine Inn we left the tarmac and followed the farm track south, over the River Bollin.

It was just beyond here that the trail was to cross Agden Brook, but it was deep and flowing fast – the enforced re-route took us SE and back to the Bridgewater Canal where we re-joined the muddy towpath which delivered us back to the Olde Number 3.

A goodly number of club members attended and took part in the run, the pub, under new management, was no doubt pleased that so many turned out to drink their beer and eat their meals.

We ended up running a little over 6½ flattish, but muddy miles…but what else would they have done on a wet Wednesday at the end of December?

No photographs I'm afraid, it was too damp.

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Hallowe'en Ceilidh 2023: SOLD OUT!


It's official - we're sold out!

Thanks to everyone who has bought tickets, and to those who can't come, for your donations - you know who you are!

See you all on Saturday - in your finest Hallowe'en fancy dress!


Saturday, 7 October 2023

Tally-Ho! from Chinley, 7th Oct 2023

Running from the Old Hall, Chinley

Unseasonably hot weather meant this was going to be a tough run for those who dislike running in such temperatures, and so it was.


The Old Hall, Chinley 

Trail consisted of either straw (or was it hay?), interspersed with the odd clump of the more traditional sawdust – whatever it was, in the bright sunshine it was often difficult to follow.


Ady and Geoff drew the short straw (see what I did there?) on this one, they set off from the Old Hall in Chinley, heading SE on the B whatever number it was….it was definitely tarmac.

The road crossed the A6, and was shortly after this, as the route left the tarmac, that some runners lost trail. Fortunately the more eagle-eyed spotted the trail as it headed up a bit of an embankment – the attached maps tells all!

Onwards, over Hall Hill and a precarious electric fence – that caused one runner to take a bit of a tumble. Fortunately the ground was soft and wet, so it was only pride that suffered damage.

A change of direction (SW) took us by the wonderfully named Sparkbottom, and on to Tunstead Milton.

It was soon after the route crossed the B5470 that things went ever so slightly awry. Via the wonders of modern technology (Whatsapp), news was received that a horse had taken an interest in the trail….so much so that some of it had been eaten by said horse. This caused some consternation, and more than a couple of sniggers.

Whatever the reason, it appeared that trail was light on the ground, consequently some runners ran rather further than others.

I was now in the agreeable company of Hon Pres Park – agreeable because, apart from anything else, he’s far better at spotting trail than I am!


The next challenge was to find a way out of the field by Randall Carr. A small tunnel-type railway tunnel, cleverly disguised as a bush (the tunnel, not the railway) was eventually located – and we even spotted some uneaten trail.

Uneaten trail

Our problems were only just beginning – but this is the Cheshire Hare & Hounds Tally-Ho!, nobody said it was going to be easy!


Holly, laden with berries

The next field was also rather lacking in visible trail – no horses here though. Eventually, after a lot of faffing about, Joe and I found a way out of this next field, onto a farm track by Meveril Farm.

After a bit of to-ing and fro-ing, we picked up trail by the farm but were advised by a man holding a rather large tool (an electric planer I think) not to follow the trail ‘unless you’re very brave’ The intended route, a rarely used green lane, was overgrown with triffids – or they may have been nettles.


A nice bit of wrought iron

We took his advice and followed a bridleway which, whilst it meant we ran a little further, our beautiful, shapely legs escaped the ravages of the man-eating undergrowth.

Fast Taylor and Skint Wilson caught us up, and after a brief exchange of greetings, they left us in their wake.

Fast Taylor, about to step on some trail

Reaching Long Lane, another green lane, we turned west, happily trotting though calf-deep puddles of muddy water. We gained the company of Burston, and we trundled on, soon catching up with Wells, that well-known photographer.

We are running, honest!

Going north now, and on tarmac, through Horwich End, and passing the eastern edge of Whaley Bridge we trotted on, as the sun continued to beat down on us – this is early October for heaven’s sake!

Time was getting on, we knew that the trail would take us up Eccles Pike, it was going to be touch and go if we want to sit down to dinner, planned for an ealier than usual 4.30pm.

I had to leave by 5pm, so I cut trail by Eccles Fold to head back to the pub. Joe continued to follow trail to the top of Eccles Pike. I’m a firm believer in the Club’s pack system, and I felt bad about leaving him – but he seemed happy enough to continue alone.

I got back to the pub just after 4pm, had a quick wash and change in the loos, and sat down at the dining table at 4.30pm, ready to eat – I was hungry!


The runners, eagerly waiting for their dinner

Joe was a bit late, but he joined us at the dinner table at around 4.50pm – dinner still hadn’t arrived.

 The runners, wondering whether they're going to get their dinner

Service here, in the past, has always been good. At 5pm I had to leave, cancelling my meal, I couldn’t delay any longer. I gather the meal wasn’t actully served until 5.10pm – it was a damned good job I didn’t wait!


Ady & Geoff had laid an ‘interesting’ trail – not a particularly strenuous one, but certainly one that threw a few challenges our way!

I covered about 8 miles, I reckon if I’d have done the full trail, including Eccles Pike, I would have covered around 8.5 miles, with around 1600’ of ascent.

It was hot, it was hilly, the puddles were deep, nettles were plentiful, the views were tremendous, the company even better….a good trail!

Where we went:


Paul’s photos can be found here:

Thanks to Ady & Geoff for the trail, and to Joe for putting up with me for much of the trail!

Thanks to Paul Wells and Mark Taylor for some of the photographs.

HopGoblin at Topaz, Saturday 15th Feb

Another of Rob's excellent videos, this time of HopGoblin playing at Topaz in Stretford on Saturday 15th February.