View from Oban Bothy

View from Oban Bothy

Thursday 28 May 2020

TGOC2020…virtually the third bit.

This #virtualTGOC is something. I'd enjoyed a fearsomely fun night at the Melgarve Bothy Secret Ceilidh with Denis, Terry Leyland, Di Gerrard and many others....and somehow found myself pitching up outside Culra Bothy.

What happened there then? I blame strong drink. Well, it was the first time I'd met other expanation needed. Pauline Marshall was busy carrying out repairs on the wounded:

The Rockin' Rev was ever so generous with his platy full of something very alcoholic, songs were sung, stories were told...and a fine evening was enjoyed by all.

Dalwhinnie and the hotel was the next stop. It was a bit of a yomp along the shore of Loch Ericht - and it was really quite hot.

Pauline Marshall and Bernie scooted off for a night in a comfy bed, c/o some friends (I wish I had friends like that!), The Rev endured emergency foot repairs, thanks to a certain GP who was passing.

Mr D. Brocklehurst Esq:

I met up with the lovely Brocklehursts once again, it's always a great pleasure to be in their company.

The Dalwhinnie Distillery:

And the hotel didn't sell proper beer. Oh well.

Monday 25 May 2020

TGOC2020….virtually the second bit

Days 4 and 5 of my virtually virtual Challenge: 

The bunkhouse at the Tomdoun Hotel wasn't the most comfortable, but it was clean(ish) and it had a shower. 

Leaving on a chilly but bright and dry morning, Day 4's route wasn't particularly inspiring, mostly road walking to Invergarry for chips and beer. 

It was here, in the Invergarry Hotel Bar, that I met Bernie, Billy-Whizz and others for the first time. Was Pauline Marshall there? And Trudie Buttrick? Probably.

I let slip that I was aiming to be at Melgarve the next day.... and The Famous Secret Ceilidh. My fate was now sealed, there was no escape. I was kidnapped, taken to Glen Buck Bothy for a night of great fun, then onto Melgarve the next day, guided by Billy-Whizz. 

 Glen Buck Bothy


We stopped at Luib Chonnal Bothy for lunch out of the mizzle. In the bothy someone opened a tin of Heinz Beanz with Pork Sausages....I'm surprised that person got out alive! The smell was that's something I thought I'd never say! 

The Melgarve bash was amazing. Terry Leyland had arranged for my melodeon to be transported to the bothy, Waggy's concertina too. 

I met so many 'famous' names, including Di Gerrard, Denis, Nev and Anne, Terry Leyland, Trudie Buttrick, Waggy... I'm told I really enjoyed myself - lots of great conversation, singing, music, food....and maybe the odd beer. Or rather more.

Next day, in the aftermath, we headed East (East is good) in the company of Nev & Anne. Nev was another who carried a huge pack – I was beginning to feel slightly less self-concious.

TGOC2020….virtually the first bit

 Virtual TGOC2020 - maybe

Kick-off was from home,taking the train from Manchester Deansgate to, ultimately, Mallaig. 

Impossibly young – too young to enter the Challenge?

Fort Bill to Mallaig, the most beautiful train journey anywhere?

It was my first long backpacking trip and I fell into the trap that all newbies fall into…I carried FAR to much gear – and it was damned heavy. Too heavy.

Day 1 of my Challenge...and the next couple of days: After an uncomfortable night in Sheena's Backpacking Hostel-type place (lots of nocturnal coughing, sniffing, grunting, farting, burping etc), it was time to sign out. 

L > R: Andrew Walker, Alan Hardy, Moi
Met up with Alan Hardy once again, he was carrying an impossibly large rucksack - almost as impossibly large as mine (although his was probably lighter than mine). Andrew went one way, heading for an unplanned helicopter ride, we went another. 

A lovely walk over Mam Barrisdale to camp on the shore of Loch Hourn where I met Sam for the first time. 

Heading East the next morning (East is good) via Kinloch Hourn to eventually camp at Alltbeithe (not THAT Alltbeithe, another one). The weather was closing in - fast - and the ground was distinctly tent-unfriendly. I spotted a tiny elevated flat area, *just* large enough to take the tent. The Saunders Spacepacker was up in double quick time, just as the heavens opened. Dinner was home-dehydrated pasta bolognese followed by rhubarb & custard - wonderful! 

The next day's destination was Tomdoun. Whilst en-route we found a pleasantly sun-shiny lunch stop on Mam na Seilg. I heard distant grunting and cursing, getting closer all the time - Keith Leonard soon introduced himself. Keith continued on his way, also heading to Tomdoun. 

We arrived at the hotel to find him wrapped around a pint. I ordered one - a moment before the bar closed for the afternoon. A very jolly evening followed....little did I realise that I was being drawn into such bad company

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Yet another test with OLW

This one should…..

1) Post with text only created in OLW.
2) Publish as normal.
3) Open Blogger, go to ‘Posts’.
4) Select the post just published and select ‘Edit’
5) Add photos where required (a faff)
6) Update.

I can see the photos...but can anyone else?

Another OLW test

It won’t work, I just know it won’t work.
P1010581It didn’t.
The idea was that I should create a post in OLW and then copy and paste it into Blogger. It worked for the text but where the photo should be there was just a blank image window.
See, I was right.

Wainwright’s Pennine Journey

Assuming (hoping?) we’re allowed out, and it’s safe to do so, this looks like A Plan for later in the year:

Whilst I’m on the subject: I loaned my copy of ‘A Pennine Journey’ out to, er, someone a good few years ago….but I can’t remember who. It’s an age thing y’see.
If it was you, could you let me have it back please!

Wednesday 13 May 2020

And another...

Well, what fun!

The photos in my last post are visible on my computer, but not other computers....well not on Martin's computer anyway.

One thing I noticed: I hadn't made the album I took the photos from available for public viewing - that's now been changed.

This is a photo that I've copied and pasted from Google Photos straight into Blogger:

This photo is posted using the conventional Blogger method:

Tally-Ho! Whitworth Wander / Turkey Trot 2023

  Whitworth Wander – Turkey Trot, 27 th of a very wet December 2023 In memory of the late Brian Whitworth, a fine man, my friend, and a for...