Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Midgebite Ceilidh Band in action, Saturday 2nd March

It's always great fun to play with Midgebites: the band has fun - therefore the audience has fun....and the whole thing escalates until we reach critical mass..

What's not to like?

This was Saturday's ceilidh in Stretford, a young lady's birthday celebration.

L>R: Bill, Brian, Emma, JW, JJ

I let a young lady member of our audience take a few photos with my Lumix TZ70....she did a far better job than I could have.

The band in action (inaction?)

All very great fun - I can't wait for the next one!


  1. Brings back pleasant memories of the pub part of the splendid train outing I had with you from Delamere. Long may you continue.
