Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Tuesday 26th February, PILES and RHUBARB

More piles and less rhubarb.

Recent local walks and runs have been multi-purpose: exercise, ‘getting out’, good company, and keeping my eyes open for fallen wood for my woodburner. Much of the last two days has been spent collecting this fallen wood and piling it up in my back garden for use either next winter – or more likely, the following winter.

The resulting pile of wood is encroaching on my patch of Timperley Early rhubarb.

What did you think I meant?


With the expected steep rises in the price of gas I’ll be expanding my wood stock – and I’ll probably need more piles. 

I’m probably going to need to move the bird-feeder or the pussy-cats will be having a feast.


  1. Your'e gonna need a lot more than that!

  2. Since I took that photograph the pile has expanded by around 30% already - and the expansion is ongoing. I reckon it needs to double in size before I can ease off on the wood collecting.

